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With a large catalog of games located in Europe & Asia, we collect and consolidate regular orders from Shops & Wholesellers; Our logistics hub processes the orders and we automate the reporting to make your life easier.
Our teams implement promotional and marketing actions to make your games visible and attractive to our B2B clients. This may include targeted newsletters, launch events such as a pre-order offer, explanatory videos, and presence at different fairs (Vichy, Cannes, Essen, Nuremberg, etc.).
Register with us and we’ll make your game available to both B2B & B2C.
With a consolidated catalogue of over 60 Publishers. Partners go online and order as simply as on Amazon, but also getting easy access to a Sales Rep.
No minimum order required, retailers can try new products and reorder as needed.
Our presence on the main boardgame Conventions around the world ensures great showcase and additional in-booth sales.
our distribution partners
They already trust us, more than 60 publishers are among them.
licensing agency
Think of us as your extended team - providing
end-to-end service, to unlock global success with tailored licensing solutions from our vast network, turning your vision into reality.
+100 Active partners
Collaborating with top-tier publishers and industry leaders, we forge strategic partnerships that amplify your brand’s reach and influence. Through our extensive network, we open doors to 100 active localization partners, promotional opportunities, and market insights, ensuring your board game achieves maximum exposure and success.
Multicultural Team
Unlocking global markets with diverse tongues: Our polyglot team of 7 bridges cultures, enhances communication, and maximizes opportunities for board game licensing success.
Simple & Transparent
No entry fees
By consolidating our talented team, we’ve created an efficient powerhouse. With streamlined communication and shared insights, we accelerate decision-making, foster innovation, and ensure consistency. More importantly, experience the transparency of our signature process firsthand! Your involvement ensures that you have full visibility into the choices and pricing from the outset.
Ours Studios & games
They already trust us, to get their game localized.

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